How to Write a Guest Post That Will Get You Noticed
Blog Introduction: Writing a guest post is one of the best ways to get your name and ideas out there. It’s an opportunity to share your expertise and reach a larger audience. But, as with any writing project, there are certain best practices you should follow if you want to ensure that your guest post gets noticed. Read on for five tips you can use when writing your next guest post.
Blog Body:
Tip #1: Do Your Research
Before you start writing your guest post, it’s important to do some research. Take some time to learn about the publication or blog you’re writing for—their mission and their audience—so that you can tailor your post accordingly. Additionally, make sure that the topic and angle of your piece are appropriate for the publication or blog; no one wants a post about tax law on a food blog! Doing proper research ahead of time will help you write a better article and get more readers interested in what you have to say.
Tip #2: Use Appropriate Tone & Language
The tone and language of your guest post should be appropriate for the platform where it is being published. For example, if the blog or website has an informal tone, then make sure that your language reflects this; avoid long words and technical jargon unless absolutely necessary. On the other hand, if it’s a more formal platform, then make sure that you’re using sophisticated language that reads well. Whatever tone or language you choose should be consistent throughout the article; this will help keep readers engaged with what they are reading.
Tip #3: Make Sure It’s Well-Structured
The structure of your article is just as important as its content. Make sure that each paragraph flows logically from one idea to another—this will help keep readers interested in what they are reading. Additionally, make sure that each section of the article has its own heading; this way, readers will be able to quickly identify which sections they need to read in order to find what they’re looking for. Finally, don’t forget to include a conclusion at the end of your article so that it wraps up neatly and leaves readers with something concrete to think about once they’ve finished reading it.
Tip #4: Utilize Links & Images
Links and images can help liven up an otherwise dull piece of text; however, make sure not to overdo it! If used in moderation, links and images can draw attention away from long blocks of text and provide readers with additional information about topics discussed in the article—or simply add visual interest if nothing else! Just remember not to link too many external websites within your article; too much linking could lead readers off-site before they finish reading what you have written.
Tip #5: Include Your Bio & Contact Info
At the end of every guest post should be an author bio (or “about me” section) which includes information about who wrote the article as well as contact information such as social media handles or website URLs. This is important because it allows readers who liked what they read to easily find out more information about who wrote it or reach out directly with any questions they may have! Plus, having these details included makes any article look professional—which is always a plus!
Writing a great guest post doesn’t have to be hard—as long as you follow these five best practices! Be sure to do research on both the publication/blog itself and any topics discussed in order ensure accuracy; use appropriate tone & language tailored specifically for each platform; structure each section clearly so as not distract from its content; utilize links & images sparingly but effectively; and include author bio & contact info at the end so readers know exactly who wrote it! By following these simple steps when writing your next guest post, chances are good that people will take notice!